July 2023 Newsletter

Many topics here….Ramification, “Pick Your Triangle” discussion, the August 19 Meeting on Root-Over-Rock, a special September 15 presentation by Laurent Darrieux, a Mike Lane class, and Useful Contacts. The WebMaster has also added several links to these topics so that you see what learning options are available.

Meeting, Saturday July 15, 2023 9AM-Noon

Meeting, Saturday July 15, 2023 9AM-Noon

This meeting will be a Refinement Class. We will show you how to repot, wire and style your trees. This is a BYOT (Bring Your Own Tree) session. Bring anything you have, large or small. If you don’t have tools, someone at the meeting will let you use theirs. This is a relaxed mymedic.es and informal meeting for Bonsai enthusiasts of all levels…..novice, intermediate, or skilled. Everyone is welcome, even if all you want to do is watch!

Zone Information, Zone Chart and Dragon Tree

Zone Information, Zone Chart and Dragon Tree

Martha Goff has listed the trees available at Dragon Tree Nursery and identified the Zones that they grow in. Zones are determined by the low and high temperature throughout the year. Most of us in southwest Florida are Zone 9-11.   The further south-Ft. Myers down to Naples-are in Zone 10. Below Naples, Zone 11 and 12 occur.   Inland from Ft. Myers a short distance, we have Zone 9.

The reason identifying a plant’s growing Zone is important is because that is where the plant will thrive.

A little additional, necessary information: If a plant is listed as growing in Zones 4-9 and you live in Zone 9, you might think it will do well for you. It will if it is deciduous like elms or crepe myrtle. If it isn’t dormant during the winter, the Zone 9 is at it’s outer limit and can cause stress and a lack of thriving. I always recommend staying away from these trees.

On the other hand, if the tree is Zone 9-11 or similar, that plant will do well for us because the 9 is beginning of its response to conditions.

I say all of this, so that when you look over the list of trees available at Dragon Tree, you can choose wisely and choose only the plants that will thrive.

Don’t forget to meet us at the Garden Center on June 17th at 8:30 if you need a ride or you are a driver meeting passengers. We will leave promptly at 9AM. Also, remember to bring cash or a check, no credit cards.

Dragon Tree Nursery, Field Trip, Sat, June 17, 2023

Dragon Tree Nursery, Field Trip, Sat, June 17, 2023

We are so excited to announce that for our June meeting, we will be taking a field trip. We will be caravanning it over to Dragon Tree Nursery on the east coast. We will meet at the Garden Center at 8:30 AM and leave for the trip at 9:00 AM. If you don’t want to drive, you can hitch a ride with someone else, just be sure to chip in on the gas. It will be a full day trip. It takes about 2½ hours to drive over, about 2 hours at the nursery, lunch somewhere and about 2½ hours to drive back. So, you see it will be a full day. The nursery has a huge selection of trees and really great prices. It’s not too late to go…Call Martha Goff at 239-332-3850 and tell her that you want to be included.

Meeting, Saturday, May 20, 2023, 9AM-Noon

Meeting, Saturday, May 20, 2023, 9AM-Noon

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR ! Trees are growing and some need wiring and some need repotting. If you need help with an original styling or a ‘how to’ on repotting or a ‘how to’ on wiring, bring that tree to the May meeting. We will have plenty of experienced people who will gladly help you with your tree(s). We will dedicate the entire program to working on trees to make sure that you get a great start to the season.

We will also have an initial talk on potting soil, bug protection, watering, and fertilizer. There are many different opinions, but none are wrong if experienced people use them and are successful. Come with an open mind and learn. All are welcome!