We are delighted to forward to you, as a member or friend of BSF, a link on YouTube to an outstanding video by one of our BSF members, Rich Bonn. Thank you Rich for your expertise and dedication to this project. It provides an excellent synopsis of a very special bonsai event that took place during Memorial Day Weekend. We hope that you enjoy the video, and that you book mark next Memorial Day Weekend for the 2018 BSF Convention, again in Orlando.

Click this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56L5OLleikg) to access the YouTube link.

Feel free to share this link with friends or others who might enjoy it. Our intent is to spread the good word about bonsai as far and as wide as we can. While the video provides snapshots of various Convention events, you have a final opportunity to order our acclaimed commemorative book of professional portraits of all the Exhibit trees in the 2017 ABS/BSF Convention.

Click this (https://forms.lvlup.today/form/2017-bsf-book) to order New World Bonsai 2017. Order sooner rather than later so you can have your own book before we sell out.