The Bonsai Society of Southwest Florida, Inc. will conduct an outdoor Silent Auction of BONSAI TREES and related items at the Berne Davis Garden Center, 2166 Virginia Avenue in Fort Myers on Saturday, May 15, 2021.
The auction will be open to the public, and will begin at 9:30AM and end at 11:00AM
The event will be structured to minimize social contact while allowing the public to
freely view and bid on bonsai items from Society members.
In addition to the items at auction, the Society will offer many smaller trees and pre-bonsai material for sale at substantially reduced prices.
“If you’ve ever wanted to own an excellent bonsai tree, this is a chance to buy one at a
bargain price” said Sam Wollard, the Society President. “Bring a mask and a pencil”’.
Proceeds from the auction will be used to pay for our Annual Bonsai Show bonsai at the
Garden Center on November 6-7, 2021, which also will be free to the public.
Bonsai is the practice of growing and shaping small trees in pots so as to enhance
and emphasize their artistic qualities. It originated in China many centuries ago, and is now
enjoyed worldwide.