Well, it is almost here, our summer Intensive Workshop! Come to the June, July and August meeting prepared to work. Bring your tools. Bring your trees. If you want help repotting, bring your soil. If you need wire, the club can provide it. If you draw, bring a sketch book and get help drawing your final design. Bring your camera so you can get a before and after picture. Bring your lunch or order pizza if you wish to stay longer. This is serious but fun, work.
This will be a perfect opportunity to get that tree in tip-top shape for the show in October. It will also be a great opportunity to get help with a difficult tree. No matter what level you are working at, this will give you a chance to improve your skills and your trees.
You should start with 2 trees, one potential show tree and one other. Each month you can add another tree but make sure the ones you first worked on come back each time.
As a special treat, Toby Diaz will join us for the Intensive in July. He will be there to critique and offer help to all who are participating in the Intensive Workshop. So, if you want the benefit of Toby, make sure you participate in June to be eligible for July.
We will also be having a display for each meeting to get back into displaying our trees before the show. I will contact you ahead of time to bring a display.
Questions? Email: marthagoff50@comcast.net