“Black Thumb Award” Meeting, Saturday, Jan 20th, 9AM

Garden Council Headquarters 2166 Virginia Avenue, Fort Myers, FL, United States

The "Black Thumb" is an award for a tree that has somehow died while in your possession. The purpose of this is multifold. First of all, the meeting is usually full of laughs, and then you get to explain what went wrong! Everyone who works with Bonsai has experienced the demise of a tree, but often it has nothing to do with anything you did. We will discuss what went wrong, and treat this as a learning experience.

Club Meeting

Rick Owens will do a demonstration of Yose-eu....a Forest Bonsai Style that appears a great deal just like the multi-trunk style, however, the distinction is the fact that this bonsai style is composed of many trees instead of one tree with numerous trunks.

Club Meeting

Martha Goff and Don Williams will hold a pottery class. (Max 15 people at $5/person.) Also taking place is help with any tree that you have and bring in.

Annual Bonsai Auction and Picnic

This is our Annual Auction and is a great opportunity to acquire some very nice Bonsai Trees. Our auction is open to the public, and is held at the Berne Davis Garden Center at 2166 Virginia Ave., Fort Myers. This location is directly north of the Edison-Ford Winter Estates. We do two types of auction: […]

Club Meeting

During this meeting, we will be honored by Mike Lane, who will demonstrate Grafting techniques. Mike is one of the world's best!

Club Meeting

Here's something nobody should miss....this month's Moss workshop! There are many types and sometimes difficult to find, but we have some good advice!

Club Meeting with Hiram Macias

We will be honored to host another world-renowned Bonsai Artist Hiram Macias. He will do a Literati demonstration in the morning, and a Workshop in the afternoon...$80/person and Tree included.

Club Meeting

CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS.....SUBJECT TO BE DETERMINED SOON....This month, Kathy Maisano will discuss Daiza and Suiseki in their many fascinating forms and beauty. The Daiza is a carved wooden base, custom-made to accommodate and enhance a stone. It helps stabilize it in a chosen orientation to reveal its potential. Suiseki, in traditional Japanese culture,(水石), are […]

Club Meeting

We will work on Trees for the November Show, and discuss display guidelines. Please bring in your tree(s).

Club Meeting

Richard Owens will do a Kintsugi demonstration on broken pots.

Annual Bonsai Exhibit

Garden Council Headquarters 2166 Virginia Avenue, Fort Myers, FL, United States

This year's Bonsai Exhibit will be held at the Berne Davis Gardens in Fort Myers on November 16-17, 2024. As usual, it will showcase the work of many local Bonsai artists. Over the years, our show has gained national recognition and enhanced the Ancient Art of Bonsai. Parking and admission are free. Please join us. […]